Dental implants have been routinely used to replace missing teeth for over three decades. They may replace one or more missing teeth. In some cases implant bridges may be used as permanent replacement for dentures. Implants provide a fantastic long-term prognosis and over 95% success rate.
Dr. Concepcion partner's with top specialists who surgically place implants. Once an implant is placed into bone, Dr. Concepcion will plan and place the implant restoration, or part of the implant above the bone. Implants are permanent solution that will look and function like your natural teeth.
Every patient case is different, and Dr. Concepcion will evaluate whether an implant is the most appropriate treatment for you. However, when missing a single tooth, an implant is often the most conservative treatment that provides the best long-term prognosis. This is because bridges require removal of healthy tooth structure on the two adjacent teeth, so the abutment crowns can be cemented.
Factors that May Determine Implant Success Rate and Long-Term Prognosis: